Paris Photo Pop-Up Show & Sale

Five years ago I published my first book with German publisher, Kehrer Verlag. Since, I’ve had a box of match prints (8x12 inches) used for proofing purposes in the printing process and will be releasing them to celebrate five-years!

The archival pigment prints are all pristine condition, signed on verso. I will release this special series of prints for Paris Photo 2022, running Nov 8 - 12, 2022.

If you are in Paris, my friends Jamie Johnson and Dotan Saguy and I will be hosting a party. You are welcome, please RSVP. They will have prints from their Kehrer Verlag book, too!

As a follower of my work, I am pleased to offer special access, first come first served. They will go fast.

A selection of prints from my series Divine Animals: The Bovidae, Out to Pasture, and The Unchosen Ones will be released for Paris Photo 2022.